Internet Empire
The internet gives the right-wing imperium. However many leftists gather on Reddit; however many bland leftist complaints get bandied about; the internet – as a technology – delivers power to the American Right-Wing. This tendency of the internet can’t be seen by looking at metrics like “number of messages posted by leftists and rightwingers,” or even “number of likes given to different messages.” Even if such metrics weren’t generally falsified, a stronger leftist showing would not change the fact. Leftists could win a million votes online for a thousand years, but the fact that the conversation is happening online means they are losing and will continue to lose.
The simplest reason the internet favors the rightwingers is that the internet allows us to speak without inhibition. The right-wing is more daring and more interested in truth than the left-wing.
Leftists profit from “groupthink” and the mob. Think of what life during the COVID Lockdowns would have been like without internet groupchats? Sane individuals would have been almost completely isolated from other thoughtful skeptics.
Groupchats allow thoughtful people to network; genuine networking is not needed by leftists, indeed, it is harmful to leftwing politics. Leftists need to rely on “the application process” and generalized measures of “merit” – an entire credentialing apparatus was necessary to make individuals like Claudine Gay plausibly impressive. The groupchat is an assault on credentialism.
The internet’s depiction of perfection demoralizes leftwingers and makes them more insane than they already are. The kind of person that has always been inclined to leftwing politics is completely overcome by the internet. Leftists can’t unsee the pictures of beauty which invade their phones. Leftist advertisers flood websites with gross images of fungus, pimples, deformity, tooth rot and a thousand other gross things but stupid teenage models aren’t going to stop instagramming and wrecking self-esteems along the way. A generation of insecurity gave birth to Lizzo worship. Lizzo would not exist if it were not for the internet, and it is very bad for leftist politics that she does exist. This dynamic was the secret behind BAP’s Handsome Thursday posting.
Normal people walk through Department Stores and are appalled at how gross the “models” are: the internet made the managers of those department stores attack people like this.
Nationalism is victorious in America and elsewhere because the internet ruined leftists and gave rightwingers the space they needed to meet each other, try out their ideas, and in general escape the “echo chamber” of mainstream media and GAE lies.
Nationalists are accused of populism. This accusation comforts the accusers, but it doesn’t explain the nationalist phenomenon or success. The internet is not a technology for populism or “the people.” The internet empowers fewer men.
Compare how many people the mainstream media employs, with the small number of men that successfully disgraced the mainstream media. The mainstream media occupies giant office buildings. When propaganda came through the newspapers and television sets, elaborate operations were required. A couple thousand intelligent guys typing away overcame this aged behemoth.
Because Trump could Tweet, he obliterated the Republican National Committee and party apparatus.
The complaint was that Trump “spoke straight to the people,” as if television and newspapers were not also “straight to the people.” The internet didn’t make propaganda possible. The internet made it possible for truth to be heard and for natural talent to compete with mechanized propaganda divisions. Leftists can’t meme.
The Unconquered
Hollywood, the NFL, academia, the mainstream media, & GOOGLE.
Hollywood is still turning out its slop. Who cares. It’s amazing what Rotten Tomatoes’ “audience reviews” section has done to the Hollywood racket. It’s going to be amazing to see what AI allows independent filmmakers to do.
Americans are addicted to professional sports. It is embarrassing, but sports are inherently good. I think the NFL is ripe. All of the commercials and money spent trying to pretend professional football is gay and anti-American still can’t keep Trump from getting cheered and Taylor Swift from getting booed. The halftime shows will change. Maybe we can get some new “racist” mascots.
Academia will be a block by block fight, but academics, right and left, are all crazy people, moralistic berserkers essentially, so this block walk is going to happen. The internet favors the right-wing in this struggle, because, as we’ve seen, it’s easy to expose leftist academics for plagiarism, shoddy research (remember this?), temper tantrums, and much else. The internet used to help leftist academics cancel their enemies, but that’s clearly over.
The mainstream media is slipping into irrelevance and doesn’t need “taking over.” The internet has wrecked these “institutions.”
GOOGLE … we can only hope the nerds make their bid for freedom from Human Resources ogres. YouTube can’t hold onto its monopoly much longer. It’s a crappy platform compared to what it used to be and could be.
Extending the Empire
The Internet Empire has a lot of debris to clear away, but soon it will begin laying its own foundations “in the real world.”
The Internet Empire began as a palace coup. Soon it will begin to govern.
The arms of the enemy were “institutions” – these all became addicted to the internet and soon everyone realized they’re irrelevant. Government subsidies propped them up for almost a decade, but that time is finished and so are the lying institutions.
The Internet Empire will now start its own networks of patronage, while clearing away the obstacles in the way talent and hard work.
Are you a Christian? An Atheist? Republican or Democrat? Libertarian? Sports enthusiast? Chill gamer dude? In whatever identity you found yourself, however niche that identity was, we now know the government was there, spending money, propping up shills. I mean, we knew this, but we now can prove it and know the vast extent of the spending. The people standing in your way are a lot poorer today than they were last week.
Are you a young academic that wants to write interesting things? Soon. (There are many battles on the horizon for control of academia.) Want to start a classical school? What about a classical college?
Can we take back public libraries please? They promote lies, don’t take proper care of books, ruin public spaces…
Would you like to run a business without having to “remember” the needs of every disabled and underprivileged demographic in America? The time is now.
I think it’s time to put some new statues up. That’s good work for artists and good for the soul of Americans.
Because the internet belongs to the American rightwing, everything belongs to the American rightwing. Long Live the Internet Empire.
Bold, but not unwelcome. Every information technology was disruptive to the existing power structure, and internet is no,different. It so happens that the leftist thinking and methods, as you described, are.having hard time coping with unfiltered idea stream generated bt the truth seekers.
Very well put. Thanks.